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119 fire propaganda month theme: prevent fire risks, build a beautiful home

Release time:2019-11-05

What is the 119 firefighting publicity month?
        November 9th is the national "Fire Day". According to the information released by the Fire Department of the Emergency Management Department, the “119” Fire Fighting Day publicity campaign was expanded to the “119” Firefighting Publicity Month, from November 1st to 30th. The theme of this year’s “119” Firefighting Publicity Month is "Prevent fire risks and build a beautiful home." The establishment of the firefighting publicity month is to recognize the importance of the firefighting propaganda work. The following is easy to send you some fire safety knowledge to share with you, I hope everyone will keep in mind.
The origin of the fire day
        Fire numbers are different in countries around the world, and each country has chosen the number that makes it the easiest to remember to form a fire number. Why did China choose "119" as the fire alarm number? It turns out that "1" was pronounced "yāo" in ancient times, and it is the same as the word "yes". "119" is: "To save."
First, in November, most parts of China entered the winter, and winter is the high-risk period of fire. It is the winter fire prevention period. It is of great significance to use this time to carry out centralized fire prevention publicity, improve the fire safety awareness of the whole people, and popularize fire protection knowledge. 
Second, the number of days and months on November 9 is exactly the same as that of the fire number 119. In order to increase the fire safety awareness of the whole people, the "119" is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Ministry of Public Security conducts "119" fire fighting activities in some provinces and cities. Launched in 1992, the annual November 9th is designated as the National Fire Protection Day.
These fire slogans are taken away.
1, pay attention to fire, cherish life
2, fire safety is not relaxed, family happiness and happiness
3, use the fire to use electricity, do not care, the fire is ruthless
4, the alarm early loss, fire alarm 119
5, the road to peace, fire start
6, in peace of mind, the alarm bell Changming
7, cherish the home, eliminate the fire
8, fire safety, everyone is responsible
9, safety and efficiency peers, accidents and losses symbiotic
10, everyone puts a good fire, and is safe and safe.
11, prevention-oriented, anti-cancellation
12, stay away from fire, happiness for a lifetime
13, for everyone's happiness, please pay attention to fire prevention
14, the walkway is often dredged, the fire does not fail
15. Do not tamper with fire-fighting facilities.
16, fire drills often engage, fire damage can be reduced
17, life is supreme, hidden dangers must be removed
18, electrical appliances do not have to be afraid of fire, quickly pull the electric brake first
19, fire even ten thousand, happy you and me
20, sunny umbrellas full of food, fire accidents should be prevented first
21, the mess is a big fire, the corridor is smooth and safe.
22, safety is a treasure, everyone must be less
23, everyone knows the fire, the households are happy
24, strengthen fire propaganda, improve fire awareness
25, use electricity to check the gas, find the problem is rectification
26, negligent fire for a moment, ruining a happy life
27, everyone's fire, household security
28, use fire does not prevent, the fire will suffer
29, it is easy to regret before repentance, eliminate fire insurance first
30, hidden dangers in open flames, prevention is better than disaster relief
31, safety in the heart, hidden dangers nowhere to hide
32. Strengthen fire safety awareness and improve fire safety quality
33, cherish life, put an end to violations
34, a little star fire, can destroy Wannianlin
35. Eliminate fire hazards and build a harmonious society
36, in front of the fire, panic, alarm escape and never forget
37. Eliminate the fire, Guotai Minan
38. Every household has a fire, and it is safe to keep it safe every day and night.
39, life is precious, safety first
40. Strictly manage fire according to law, stop fire violations
41, the factory is my home, fire depends on everyone
42, do not forget the fire 119, eliminate the fire is a friend
43. Fire prevention, people and money
44, fire is about you and me, safety is ten million
45. Safety can save thousands of money, fire can burn thousands of hearts
46, learn a point of fire knowledge, more security
47, the fire is not difficult to defend, focus on the rules
48. Improve the fire prevention system to ensure fire safety
49. Establish a sense of urgency and learn the ability to prevent disasters
50, safety creates happiness, neglect brings pain
Source: Network

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